Welcome to the Henley SLSC Newsletter!
November / December 2017
This Newsletter is best viewed in your browser – click link above to view |
Henley Men’s Beach Relay Team @ Senior Carnival @ Aldinga on Sat 18th Nov.
From Left: Billy Cooley, Cooper Forest, Aaron Badenoch,Tyrell Martin |
Upcoming Dates
- Sat 2nd Dec – WHITE Patrol
- Sun 3rd Dec – YELLOW Patrol
- Sun 3rd Dec – Zahra ‘Women on the Run Event’
- Sun 3rd Dec – Senior Carnival 3
- Fri 8th Dec – Water Cover – volunteers needed
- Fri 8th – Sun 10th – HET Camp
- Sat 9th Dec – AQUA Patrol
- Sat 9th Dec – ASRLSA Surf boats – Robe
- Sun 10th Dec – BLACK Patrol
- Tue 12th Dec – Water Cover – volunteers needed
- Sat 16th Dec – BLUE Patrol
- Sun 17th Dec – BROWN Patrol
- Sun 17th Dec – Junior Carnival #2
- Sat 23rd Dec – GREEN Patrol
- Sun 24th Dec – GREY Patrol
- Christmas Day – VOLUNTEER Patrol
- Boxing Day – VOLUNTEER Patrol
- Sat 30th Dec – ORANGE Patrol
- Sun 31st Dec – PURPLE Patrol
If you are not registered and financial, you will not be able to use club equipment or access the club building.
The best way to renew your membership is to use the new-look SLSA Members Portal, now known as the ‘Member’s Area’. You can get to it at this link –Member’s Area
Registration is a two-step process. Firstly you must register via the portal. The second step is to pay your membership fee via the Payment Gateway. There is no change to membership fees this year and you can see how much your fees are at our Henley SLSC website – Membership Fees
Fees should be paid by the 1st December, otherwise you may find your club access has been removed. To avoid this, please make the effort to get renewed and paid. If you are a new member and require a fob to access the club, please complete the Fob Application form. Please complete and return it with $25 to our Membership Manager.
Our Membership Manager, ‘Club Member of the Year’ and all-round legend, is Louise Howard. She will be more than happy to help you out with any of your membership enquiries.
Louise can be contacted at email: membership@henleyslsc.com.au |
How to register as a member and pay your membership for the new season. |
Recently I was fortunate enough to be invited to a Year 12 graduation. The feeling of pride and achievement in the room was palpable.
Many of the guest speakers repeated the same message – Education is the Key.
The message also rings true for lifesavers. We are an emergency service and we need to be ready to respond at short notice.
The best way to prepare for this response is to educate ourselves. It doesn’t need to be formal, structured courses, but by getting involved on patrol and increasing our knowledge and skill base – explore the O2 set, simulate a board rescue, swim with a tube or call up SURFCOM to practise using the radio.
Be the best Lifesaver you can be.
Education is the Key.
Peter Oborn
Officials Needed
We are still looking for more officials in all areas of competition. If you have a junior or senior competitor or you are planning on competing at masters please help out by becoming an official or asking a relative or friend to help.
This position does not require you to be a bronze medallion holder. There is a new pathway this season and all you need to do is complete 2 online modules and then a workshop at Surf House.
You will also need to be a member of Henley Surf Life Saving Club, however if you are not a member the club is willing to assist with your social membership ($75 value) provided you are willing to commit to some carnival dates for the 2017/18 season.
For information about the officials course and how to get started please email: kathrynjamescorbett@bigpond.com.
Thank you
Kathy Corbett |
Surf Sports News
Henley has had a successful start to the Surf Lifesaving season, showing strong competitiveness in both the surf sports and boat areas.
Up and coming Carnivals:
Senior Carnival #3- Moana 3/12/17
Robe- Surf boats only- 9/12/17
Please ensure you swing by the surf sports notice board downstairs near the male change room door. It shows you up and coming carnival dates, when entries close, training times and who to contact about a particular surf sport.
Please keep checking entry close dates, ensure you are proficient and have your required 16 hours by the 31/12/17.
Please if not done so already pay your club membership ASAP.
Matt and Emma
Surf Sport Managers |
Junior News
Bounce Social Function/ Fundraiser
Sunday, 10th December 5 – 7pm $25pp
We have secured a 2 hour lock-in at Bounce for all Junior families, HSLSC Club Members and their friends and families. Invite your neighbours, grandchildren and kids school friends!
Tickets will go on sale soon. Details on how to purchase will be sent out to all members shortly.
Junior Carnival 1 at Port Noarlunga
The Henley Juniors we were represented at Junior Carnival 1 with an impressive 63 competitors! I have heard of some great results and that all children represented the club well.
We are hoping to get another strong group together for the next Junior Carnival on Sunday 17th December, which will now be held at Glenelg SLSC. Parents please remember that we are always looking for help with Officials and Water Cover. Please contact juniors@henleyslsc.com.au if you would like to help. |
Swimming News
Club Swims
All members are invited to keep up their surf swimming skills by participating in the 400m Club Swim every Saturday.
Marshalling at 1:00 on the ramp, start at 1:15.
Fitness Training at Immanuel Pool
Every Tuesday and Thursday, 6pm to 7pm. $4 per person.
We usually have a bit more lane space on Thursdays, so if coming once per week Thursday is a good option.
Contact Andrew Lanyon 0488 656 161 for details .
HET Happenings
HET has been a very busy area since the season has commenced.
We started off on the Registration Day by running the BBQ and providing water cover and helpers for the juniors come and try day. Then we had another movie and games night.
We also did something a bit different and had a team building night. This was a great night where we had a chat first with Bruce Rankin, the Club Chaplain then we did some team building activities with Gary Tredrea which made them work together for a better outcome. Bec Codd then gave us all an activity which saw us work on Henley Team Values and how they look and feel for HET members. We then did another couple of group challenges and then finished off with a nice feed of pizza. I think everybody really enjoyed and got a lot out of this evening.
We have been encouraging HET to participate in the club swim and improve on their individual times and this has been working well, with Club Swim numbers at an all time high which is brilliant.
We are also trying to get more members out onto skis and so we had a Ski come and try day where the Ski coordinator and other senior ski members came out to share their knowledge and get kids out onto craft. This was a good afternoon but the weather turned a bit yukky midway through and we had a bit of a struggle on the way back but everyone enjoyed it, improved their skills and had fun.
Chobani yogurt came to visit and filled up the fridge with cartons of their very yummy yogurt which was a nice treat after training on a Saturday. |
Its been good to see everyone fulfilling their patrol requirements and then also when they can’t make a patrol, actively seeking out people to cover. It was also good to see people volunteering to swap, that’s what it is all about and makes me happy to see it working so well.
On a windy Wednesday morning we had a visit from some elderly dementia patients from ECH at Henley Beach. Tash Egger, Charly Smyth and Cooper Forest gave them a tour of the top room and the boat shed. They also demonstrated how to use a rescue tube, signals and some rescue practices. The patients all tried on patrol caps and tried out the signals with them. We heard back from ECH that they all thoroughly enjoyed their visit and would love to come back again. It bought back many happy memories for them.
There have been excellent attendance numbers at swim, ski and board trainings. This has been the reason we have had such excellent results at the two senior carnivals that we have had so far at Seacliff and Aldinga. It would be good to see a few more come out to sprint training as we move forward with the season. It has been great to welcome the U14 into the HET family and we enjoyed teaming up with them at the team carnival at Aldinga. Also at Aldinga we rolled out a Under 23 March Past team. With only one half hearted practice these guys managed to come second in their age group. I definitely think the Harry High pants flowery shorts that were from a previous Masters March Past Team made all the difference. I think these guys have a started a trend and there will be other clubs following their stylish lead soon. If anyone with any March past experience is willing to come out and give the team a few pointers that would be very much appreciated. We potentially can fill a U17 team as well so watch this space for further developments. |
Water Cover
If you can help with any of the following dates, please contact
Peter Oborn: 0475 790 104
8th December 0900 – 1400
12th December 1100 – 1300
If you can help with any of the following dates, please contact
Roy Menner: 0400 066 125
7th December 1100 – 1300 – Hendon Special School
14th December 1000 – 1400 – Elizabeth South Primary School. This will be at Semaphore but will not be using Club facilities.
For the past 4 or 5 seasons, Henley SLSC has partnered with SLSSA to deliver SRC and BM courses to students from the APY lands who board at Wiltja Residential College.
Henley SLSC Life Member, Andrew (Hens) Henry (pictured above) was instrumental in establishing this program, which has grown into a great success for all concerned.
Already this season we have seen three significant achievements, which were part of Hens original vision.
- Training of female students toward achieving their SRC.
- Students competing for Henley in beach events at an SLSSA carnival.
- A Wiltja student assisting delivering lifesaving training in the APY lands.
Well done Hens, and to all involved over the years! |
Lost Property
The lost property bin is full to overflowing.
Please check this for any lost items before we donate it to the Salvos.
This season, a new role has been created to increase promotion of Henley SLSC, and ensure messaging to members via our social media platforms is timely and consistent. Bec Codd is our Digital Media Officer (DMO) and will be working closely with our Webmaster, Chris Fuller to keep the club’s Public and Members Only Facebook pages, and new website up to date.
For those of you who do not have access to create posts on the Henley Members Only Facebook page, and wish to make an announcement, request assistance or advise members of upcoming events etc, please direct your enquiry to web@henleyslsc.com.au. Chris and Bec are managing this email and will make updates on the relevant page and/or website.
Bec will also be posting to our Public Facebook page, so if you have any information or events you think would benefit from being promoted to this page, please let her know the details.
Please make sure you are subscribed to our Henley SLSC Members Only Facebook page to receive all your club news. |
Wet Suits
Thank you to everyone who has donated old wet suits to us thus far.
If you have any laying around, especially small sizes, please hand them to me or let me know and I’ll come and pick them up.
Roy Menner 0400 066 125.
You may have noticed these signs outside the change rooms. These have been installed to ensure that our club complies with National Policy. You can take your mobile phone into the change room, we simply ask that you don’t use it in any way while you are in the change room.
Club Complaints & Child Protection
The people below can help you if you are ever aggrieved, angry, or simply annoyed with anything that has happened to you at the club. This includes posts on any social media that you find offensive, aggressive or just plain impolite. The first thing that we would do would be to talk to you so don’t think that contacting us means that you will immediately be thrown into a dispute. Rest assured that our first priority is your well being. I also ask that if you see any posts (and/or for that matter hear any rumours) about other club members that you think are inappropriate please also contact one of us to let us know.
Club Chaplain
Bruce’s role is different to that of a Grievance Officer as he is a neutral person to whom anyone can talk to.
These do not need to be club issues. They can be things that are going on in your everyday life.
He can…
…provide support for club personnel, including coaches and committees
… provide support through difficult life circumstances
…help with grief and loss, trauma, sickness and injury, ethical questions, club issues or home and personal issues. |
On the Same Wave
On the Same Wave is a community service program.
The ‘On the Same Wave’ (OTSW) program has been actively promoted by SLSSA since December 2007 in order to engage with and recruit people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds (CALD) and those from indigenous communities.
Traditionally speaking, migrants, refugees and people from CALD backgrounds have been overrepresented in both national and state drowning figures and, as such, have been identified by aquatic safety authorities as a ‘high risk’ group.
Encouraging greater ethnic participation in Surf Life Saving has been identified as a key priority in order for clubs to be able to sustain member numbers and serve the Australian population effectively.
The OTSW program varies from information provision to training to be a Surf Life Saver. The provision depends on the identified needs/ capabilities of the person or community.
Individual clubs, with the support of SLSSA, dictate their level of engagement with the program.
For over 6 years, Henley SLSC has been actively involved in the program, training young people from CALD and Indigenous backgrounds to become members of the surf life saving family by providing training in First Aid, Advanced Resuscitation, Radio Certificate and the Bronze Medallion.
If you would like to help contact Roy Menner. |
Sponsor Noticeboard
Nov / Dec 2017