• 246 ESPLANADE Henley Beach, South Australia 5022
  • Call Us: (08) 8166 7551

Membership Fees 2024-25

Henley SLSC adopts the membership categories of Surf Life Saving Australia, reviewed each year and benchmarked to other statewide clubs with benefits and inclusions reflected below:





Life member / Honorary $0
Snipper (non-competing) 1 $75.00
General Parent/Guardian Membership & Social Membership $50.00
Tots U6-U7 (non-competing) 2 $150.00
Junior U8-U17 2 $200.00
Active Senior Member (adult 18+): new bronze medallion holder 3 $270.00
Active Senior Member (adult 18+): renewing member 3 $220.00
Family discount (with 3 or more membership registrations) 4 15%
Family Cap 4 $750.00

Inclusions and Footnotes:

  1. Snipper memberships must also be registered with an additional Associate Member/Parental Membership registration (eg. $75.00 + $50.00 = 125.00)
  2. Members U6 to U17 membership registrations include:
    • one (1) Complementary Henley Surf Cap [value of RRP 25.00],
    • all local branch competition entry fees under Surf Life Saving South Australia (does not include State Championships fees nor does it include Pool competition fees), and
    • one (1) complementary auto-registration of one guardian per child General Membership status [value of 50.00].
  3. Active Membership is a Bronze Medallion holder, fulfils patrol and Club obligations as provided by SLSA and the Member’s Club constitution, and qualifies in an annual proficiency test.  Renewing members receive a discounted  membership fee of $220.00.
  4. Family Pack includes a family of 3 or more members register – MUST include at least one (1) junior membership, and is designed for same family member group and as a single payment.  A family cap comes into affect at a maximum of $750.00




Junior U8-U17  (excluding State Championships + Pool competitions) included
Active Senior Member (adult 18+) (excluding State Championships + Pool competitions) included



Cadet Membership (13-15 years of age): must obtain the Surf Rescue Certificate and thereafter passed an annual proficiency test No Charge
Active Membership: must obtain a Bronze Medallion and thereafter qualify in an annual proficiency test No Charge



The Government of SA provides an opportunity for primary school aged children (up to Year 9) to receive a $100 discount with sports clubs. If you have not already utilised this discount on other sports within the same calendar year, please follow the below steps:

  1. Click on this link and complete the SPORT VOUCHER REGISTRATION and save for emailing. Note: Please remember to complete the Reference No for your child from the Medicare Card. https://www.sportsvouchers.sa.gov.au/how-to-use-voucher/
  2. IMMEDIATELY email the completed voucher to membership@henleyslsc.com.au
  3. Surf Guard does not allow for discounting the sports voucher so please pay the full membership fee, Henley SLSC will submit the voucher for payment and once we have received confirmation of acceptance a credit will be arranged. Thanks for your patience on this matter.

Note: if you do not email your details including the Voucher Registration Form a credit will not be approved. For more information visit: SPORTS VOUCHERS






For bookings and enquiries, email: eat@oceanbarandkitchen.com.au or call (08) 8166 7551