• 246 ESPLANADE Henley Beach, South Australia 5022
  • Call Us: (08) 8166 7551

Training Course Registration – Proficiency Apology

From the Training Programs page you can register your interest in one or each of the available sessions. If the details in the form are not correct, return to the Training Programs page and choose the session you would like to register for.

All courses are only available to club members.

When you submit a registration request the club training group are notified via email and you will be sent a confirmation email. If there are any changes or issues you will be advised via email in the first instance and if warranted by phone. Please make sure your contact details are correct.

    Our Proud Supporters


    For bookings and enquiries, email: eat@oceanbarandkitchen.com.au or call (08) 8166 7551