• 246 ESPLANADE Henley Beach, South Australia 5022
  • Call Us: (08) 8166 7551

Forms for Parents

Quick links

Season Calendar 2024/25
Henley membership fees 2024/25
SLSSA key documents and how-to guides 
SLSSA Members Area 
How do I join?


Club uniforms

Henley offers subsidized package to ensure all members comply with Water Safety requirements on training days and Competition pride in wearing our Henley colours at regional, state and national events.  These packs are designed to cover the member with a perfect series of essentials which are updated and refreshed yearly and offer considerable savings to the RRP individual price.

Watersafety Essential Pack $90 (SAVE $20)
Custom Branded, made-to-order: Sun Hat, Hi-Vis Singlet Rashie, Hi-Vis LS Rashie 

Our club uniform, with necessary logos, must be worn by all season membership holders at all weekly training, as well as at any Regional and State Competitions. Uniforms are available for purchase from the clubrooms pre-season and throughout the season at designated ordertimes.  

Junior Medical Condition Form

If your child has a medical condition that may affect their participation in Junior Activities (asthma, epilepsy, allergies etc.) please fill out a Medical Form and bring it with you to registration.

Junior Photo/Video Consent

Henley SLSC at times may request to use video footage/photos/other images of our Junior members that have been taken by the official club photographer or taken by Surf Life Saving SA for a variety of public relations, communications and promotional activities, including for publications, promotional material, websites and advertisements, for an undefined period of time.  Consent is signed through your membership renewal, if you do not consent please make sure this is expressed at the time of registration.

Proudly supporting Henley SLSC Swimwear
Proudly supporting Henley SLSC Apparel

Our Proud Supporters


For bookings and enquiries, email: eat@oceanbarandkitchen.com.au or call (08) 8166 7551